
board_stk541.h File Reference

This board is describes the STK541 that comes with Atmels ATAVRRZ541 Packet Sniffer Kit. More...

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#define DBG_DDR   DDRD
#define DBG_PIN   (1<<PD0)
#define DBG_PORT   PORTD
#define DDR_KEY   DDRE
#define FT245_DDR   DDRE
#define FT245_INIT()
#define FT245_PIN   PINE
#define FT245_PORT   PORTE
#define FT245_RX_HAS_DATA()   (0 == (FT245_PIN & FT245_RXF))
#define FT245_RXF   _BV(7)
#define FT245_TX_IS_BLOCKED()   (0 != (FT245_PIN & FT245_TXE))
#define FT245_TXE   _BV(6)
#define HIF_NO_DATA   (0x0100)
#define HIF_TYPE   (HIF_FT245)
#define HIF_USB_READ()   (*(volatile uint8_t*)(USB_FIFO_AD))
#define HIF_USB_WRITE(x)   do { (*(volatile uint8_t*)(USB_FIFO_AD)) = (x); }while(0)
#define HWTIMER_REG   (TCNT1)
#define HWTIMER_TICK_NB   (0xFFFFUL+1)
#define HWTMR_PRESCALE   (1)
#define INVERSE_KEYS   (1)
#define LED_DDR   DDRE
#define LED_MASK   (0x1c)
#define LED_NUMBER   (3)
#define LED_PORT   PORTE
#define LED_SHIFT   (2)
#define LEDS_INVERSE   (1)
#define MASK_KEY   (0x20)
#define PIN_KEY   PINE
#define PORT_KEY   PORTE
#define PULLUP_KEYS   (1)
#define SHIFT_KEY   (5)
#define TIMER_INIT()
#define TIMER_IRQ_vect   TIMER1_OVF_vect
#define TIMER_POOL_SIZE   (4)
#define USB_FIFO_AD   0xF000
#define XRAM_ENABLE()

Detailed Description

This board is describes the STK541 that comes with Atmels ATAVRRZ541 Packet Sniffer Kit.

The Packet Sniffer Kit STK541 is a carrier board, which fits on top of a STK500 and is used for the radio controller board family. The transceiver wiring fits the common RCBs. The wiring of the radio and the ATmega is shown below:

     AVR      RF230
     ---      -----
     PB4  -->  SLPTR
     P??  <--  MCLK
     PD4  <--  IRQ (ICP1)
     PB5  -->  RSTN
     PB0  -->  SS
     PB2  -->  MOSI
     PB3  <--  MISO
     PB1  -->  SCK
    The STK541 has no LEDS and Keys, so we define the ressources
    from the  RCB230 here.
    KEY: PE5
    LEDS: PE2:PE4
    DBG: PD0 - connector X20:2 (ground X20:1)
     LF: 0xe2 - 8MHz internal RC Osc.
     HF: 0x11 - without boot loader
     HF: 0x10 - with boot loader
     EF: 0xff
     LOCK: 0xef - protection of boot section
    Start at byte=0x1e000, address=0xf000, size = 4096 instructions/ 8192 bytes

Atmel STK541 and Radio Controller Board

Build Options

Define Documentation

#define FT245_INIT (  ) 
do { \
           XMCRA |= (1 << SRE); \
           XMCRB = (1 << XMBK);\
           FT245_DDR &= ~(FT245_TXE|FT245_RXF);\
           FT245_PORT |= (FT245_TXE|FT245_RXF);\
        } while(0)
#define TIMER_INIT (  ) 
do{ \
        TCCR1B |= (_BV(CS10));\
        TIMSK1 |= _BV(TOIE1); \

Intialization of the hardware timer T1 (16bit)

  • CS1[2:0] = 1 : Prescaler = 1
  • WGM1[3:0] = 0 : Mode = 4 : CTC operation

Timer is clocked at F_CPU, and TIMER_IRQ_vect is called every 65535 ticks.

#define TIMER_IRQ_vect   TIMER1_OVF_vect

Vector for Timer IRQ routine

#define XRAM_ENABLE (  ) 
do {\
    DDRC = 0xFF;\
    PORTC = 0x00;\
    XMCRA |= (1 << SRE);\
    XMCRB = (1 << XMBK);\
    } while(0)

This documentation for µracoli was generated on Tue Apr 9 2013 by  doxygen 1.7.1