board_ict_11.h File Reference

Detailed Description

Definition 2.4G Module from In-Circquit with AT86RF230B and Atmega1281 (V1.1).

The wiring of the radio and the ATmega is shown below:

  ATmega1281    AT86RF230
  ----------    ---------
    PB1    --> SCK
    PB2    <-- MOSI
    PB3    --> MISO
    PB0    --> SEL
    PB4    --> SLP_TR
    PB5    --> TRX_RESET
    PD4/ICP1  --> IRQ
    PD6/T1   <-- CLKM

    PG5   --> LED Interface

      LF: 0xe2 - 8MHz internal RC Osc.
      HF: 0x11 - without boot loader
      HF: 0x10 - with boot loader
      EF: 0xff
      LOCK: 0xef - protection of boot section

    Original Fuse settings (Stick):
       LF: 0xe2
       HF: 0x1a
       EF: 0xfd

    Original Fuse settings (Module):
       LF: 0x62
       HF: 0x93
       EF: 0xff

    Start at byte=0x1e000, address=0xf000, size = 4096 instructions/ 8192 bytes

Build Options

Definition in file board_ict_11.h.

Go to the source code of this file.


#define CPU_TYPE   (CPU_M1281)
#define CUSTOM_RESET_TIME_MS   (10)
#define HIF_TYPE   HIF_UART_1
#define HWTIMER_REG   (TCNT1)
#define HWTMR_PRESCALE   (1)
#define LED_DDR   DDRG
#define LED_MASK   (0x20)
#define LED_NUMBER   (1)
#define LED_PORT   PORTG
#define LED_SHIFT   (5)
#define LEDS_INVERSE   (1)
#define MAX_FRAME_SIZE   (127)
#define NO_KEYS   (1)
#define RADIO_TYPE   (RADIO_AT86RF230B)
#define TIMER_INIT()
#define TIMER_IRQ_vect   TIMER1_OVF_vect
#define TIMER_POOL_SIZE   (4)
#define TUNED_OSCCAL   (0xbf)

Define Documentation


ID String for this hardware

Definition at line 94 of file board_ict_11.h.

#define CPU_TYPE   (CPU_M1281)

used CPU (see const.h)

Definition at line 106 of file board_ict_11.h.

#define CUSTOM_RESET_TIME_MS   (10)

additional delay needed by hardware

Definition at line 111 of file board_ict_11.h.

#define MAX_FRAME_SIZE   (127)

maximum allowed frame size

Definition at line 98 of file board_ict_11.h.

#define RADIO_TYPE   (RADIO_AT86RF230B)

used radio (see const.h)

Definition at line 107 of file board_ict_11.h.

#define TIMER_INIT (  ) 


do{ \
        TCCR1B |= (_BV(CS10)); \
        TIMSK1 |= _BV(TOIE1); \

Definition at line 157 of file board_ict_11.h.

This documentation for µracoli was generated on 21 Jan 2010 by  doxygen 1.5.5