File and Directory Structure of the Package

After unpacking the archive file, you'll find the following directory structure.

+---Src ............................. Sources
|   +---Lib ......................... Library source code
|   |   +---Inc
|   |   |   \---boards
|   |   +---Ioutil
|   |   \---Rf230
|   +---App ......................... Application source code
|   |   +---Inc
|   |   \---Sniffer
|   \---Xmpl ........................ Example source code
+---Contrib ......................... PC Applications, that interact
|                                     with firmware applications
|   \---PacketCapture ............... Sniffer Interface
+---Doc ............................. Doxygen Sources
|   +---App
|   +---Contrib
|   +---Dev
|   +---Images
|   \---Usr
| +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| | directories below here can be erased, they are generated while building |
| +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+---build ........................... temporary build directories
\---install ......................... compiled/generated files
    +---bin ......................... elf/hex files
    +---doc ......................... html doc
    |   +---app
    |   +---contrib
    |   +---dev
    |   \---usr
    +---inc ......................... include files, interface for the libs
    |   \---boards
    +---lib ......................... static libraries
    \---xmpl ........................ all example, make- and project files

This documentation for µracoli was generated on 21 Jan 2010 by  doxygen 1.5.5